These are the things God is declaring to us in this time of new beginning and distinction through His goodness and His grace. You have to personally believe it and confess it to yourself.

This is my year of distinction through God’s Goodness.
God will grant me prophetic insight into Scripture!
Where God is taking me, only a force that can stop God will stop me from getting there!
Where this year will land me, my enemies will start weeping!
I shall be restful in the works of my hands!
My life shall become a life of thanks!
Excellence will become my identity this year!
God’s timetable for me will never fail!
This year, I will be rising up!
I will become a personality of attraction!
I shall be reckoned with as assets in this year I have entered to!
Men shall eat at my table this year!
In the midst of gross darkness, I will experience His goodness for distinction.
The Lord shall arise upon me, and His glory shall be seen in my life!
Nations will arise through my church, my family, and I this year!
My church, my family, and I will experience exceeding multiplication in this year we are entering!
The Lord is bringing a glorious, extensive expansion of our coasts!
God will distinguish us among the dwellers of the earth!
We are heading for our season of distinction by His goodness!
There will be sporadic and distinguished liftings in our lives!
Nothing that happens to the Egyptians will find access to our lives!
There will be various, extraordinary establishments in our lives!
The devil notwithstanding, God will convert us to envy among our peers!
Those who dig pits because of us will fall into their pits!
This year the Lord will make our terror to fall on our enemies!
This is the year of our own making!
We will not suffer financial breakdowns anymore!
We will live an enchantment-free life!
We shall be distinguished in our career, various jobs, and studies!
Everywhere we turn, the mark of His goodness will be upon us to make us distinct!
Among the nations of the earth, we will be envied!
Everyone that is alive today shall see the goodness of our God.
Accident will have no access to us, this year!
None of us will bury children!
We will not bury any member of our family!
The hand of God will locate us for promotion!
Our businesses will have supernatural expansion and have no reason to close down!
Everything we are doing will keep on multiplying in our hands!
The Lord will visit us with divine favour, more than what we could imagine!
The best permits will be released into our hands for establishment!
God will open the treasures of heaven to us!
God will make everything to be in our favour!
The hidden treasures of darkness, and riches stored in secret places will be given unto us!
God will remove all failures from our lives!
Everyone called barren will become fruitful because of contact with us!
Our steps will lead us to distinction because of His goodness!
Greatness is now our portion!
Those who mocked us before will hide away from us now!
We will go through this year and this season with new love and without any trace of depression in our lives! Amen.

These are prophetic words. Receive them in faith and wait patiently to see their fulfilment. Pray them out to yourself, and hold on tight to the Lord. I am confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in us will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Amen. (Philippians 1:6).