Are there things in your life that you would like to change?
From my experience, everyone I know wants to change or wants some changes in their lives. As Christians we are content with what we have and what God has done for us but because of God in us, it's hard and impossible, to be content with the feeble and weak way we allow God to express Himself through us.
*No- one except Jesus has ever given the world a perfect example.
All of us, Christians want to change because change means growth. We want to change for the better. When there is no change, then there is no growth and no increase or multiplication. And that is stagnation or retardation, whether spiritual, material, financial, or physical. We all need to be green as in spring and growing, not dried up as in autumn but how do we do that.
*The frustration that comes from not reaching our goals has been a breeding ground for many of Satan's most devastating weapons. If we aren't careful, we as Christians can feel like failures more than the lost: After all, we have been told to be like Jesus. That's a big task. After I gave my life at the age of 13, it took me a long time to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit because I wanted it to be genuine and the true Spirit of God, not fake. And then from the time when I encounter the Lord gloriously in 1986 and was baptised in the Holy Ghost, I started to change and grow rapidly. I had a glimpse of how awesome the Lord is, and what He wanted me to do and be but I was millions of kilometres away from that victorious life, that God had revealed to me but gradually, He brings me step by step and day by day along the way. The way on which I am still, by His grace walking with my Lord. At times, the process seemed so long and the goal so far off, that I despaired of ever making any progress in this lifetime, but now when I look back, I bless God for His faithfulness. Several times when I get to a certain crossroad and I ask God about this, at times He'll tell me, "My grace is sufficient for you, just put my words in you, meditate on it, and it will do the rest" --That has always provided me with directions and assurances. And that is basically what I've been doing with the Lord taking me step by step along the way. The Lord said to me saying, I will give you Pastors after my own heart that will bring you up.
The Lord taught me a big truth through one of His parable and showed me the working of His word. Mark 4:26- 29 He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces corn-- first the stalk, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come." (NIV)
he Word has to be planted in our hearts for it to work. A seed needs to release its life first when planted before it can grow. God's word sets us free when we get it in our lives. Having Bible on our tables, our hands, under our pillows or in our heads is not sufficient. We have to commit God's word to our hearts, meditating on it day and night.
Secondly- The man according to the Scriptures sowed the seed slept and rose day after day--which means it takes time for it to germinate and bring fruit but not the same day or the next day. Or if a seed is dug up everyday neither can it grow. Faith is needed in seeing the seed growing (sprouting) so we need to leave it alone and water it with prayers. We can't just meditate on the word of God one-day and expect result the next neither is it possible once a week that's like digging up the seed it has to be a continuous thing. Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Meditation upon the word of God should be daily with prayers. The scriptures have to abide in us if we are to receive any answer. John 15:7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. Mark 4:27- 28 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces corn-- first the stalk, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. (NIV) It is an amazing thing because no- one knows how a seed works- the miracle of a growing seed has not been known by all technologies. We can mix chemicals together to get a taste of a seed but a man made seed can't grow. For thousands of years, there have been planting and harvesting without the understanding of how it works- because the chemicals that can release life can never be found it is only given by God.
Similarly are the words of God, how they work is beyond understanding and cannot be explained or how they differ from other words that we read, I can't comprehend but I know it works and it must sink down into our hearts, saturating our entire being and then when it is released it becomes alive. The Bible has God's life in it, and when planted in our hearts and left there, it releases that life. God change comes effortlessly when His Word is alive in our hearts. As plants and fruits are the natural by- products of a physical seed, so are the changes that come from the Words of God, which are planted in our hearts. This is such a simple truth, that most people have missed it. At various times, for different reasons:
- People are looking for a spectacular encounter with God that will transform their lives instantly like Paul.
- Few are willing to change or grow sincerely.
- Some pray a lot for miracles but have no time for the Word of God in their hearts which will produce the miracle.
- Some pray a lot for many things but have no time to listen to God for answers or directions.
* Prayer is the water and fertiliser to a seed, but the seed has to be planted first. It helps the words release its life in it, not the water. Likewise, prayer is not a substitute for planting God's word in your heart. Prayer without the word is religious at best and complaining at worst.
Romans 12: 2- we need to renew our mind- we can wait 24 hours, 7 days for all we know, without words nothing can change. No planting, no harvesting. Christians wants result without planting God's word all the time. They don't go to the Word, meditating on where the answer is; they want words given as direct prophecy every-time from above. If they don't get result within a stipulated time, they get confused and offended. God can meet our needs through other people's faith but it is temporary and secondary way of touching us. God's best is for us to take the seed of His word and plant it in our lives and it will supernaturally grow and just bring a natural and physical change that we desire in our lives.  Amen. Shalom!