Apostle Stephanie Abraham Int'l Ministries a.k.a Living Fully Outreach is an apostolic/teaching ministries proclaiming full life in Christ Jesus, partnering with other ministries internationally and committed to promote an enjoyable full life. LFO resides at 14 Greenhills Industrial Village, Greenhills, Drogheda, Co. Louth, Ireland. The name LFO with its Living Fully mission is given from John 10: 10b; revealing the reason why Jesus came to us.

We operate as a spiritual fatherly body to many churches in Europe, African and Asia. We have been on various missionary journeys to many areas of these continents, inclusive of America, planting churches and helping communities as the need arises. We have interactions with various people irrespective of race, gender, age, colour, religion or educational background.

LFO is a local Christian faith based organism growing since formed due to the call of God to put the great commission into practicality in the aspects of spiritual and social economic development in the growing communities sent. These have led Apostle Stephanie Abraham to come up with the initiation of  LFO as inspired by God, to render services in the following programmes.

- Evangelism

- Education

- Youth/Sport

- Medical relief, food, and technical aid to the needy inclusive, and especially widows and orphans.

LFO is committed to variety of activities in areas of spiritual and humanitarian services to the communities where they are sent to.

The major problems that we are to address among the many most especially in the developing countries are that of tradition, religion, ignorance, poverty and diseases, therefore we are committed to be creative and trying out new ways of doing things to achieve greater results that will bring glory to our God through answering the great commission of Jesus Christ.